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Realistic job scam


New member
Jul 18, 2024
Just a heads-up to be extra careful out there. I recently got caught up in an elaborate and time-consuming job scam. It all started with a text claiming they found me on LinkedIn and thought I'd be a great fit for a position. After a week of interviews on Telegram, they offered me the job and sent official-looking documents, including a job offer letter and forms. They even emailed me a check to buy equipment for training. I made sure not to make any purchases until the check cleared, but it never did. When I checked with the bank, they said the account was inactive. The scammer then deleted our entire message history. Luckily, I didn't lose any money or share any sensitive info, but it was a convincing scam using a real company's name and a similar email. Just wanted to share since they really go to great lengths.


New member
Jun 22, 2024
I've come across similar scams on LinkedIn. These scammers really know how to make everything look legit. It's always a good idea to double-check with the actual company. Thanks for sharing your experience and reminding us all to stay alert.


New member
Jul 20, 2024
I've heard of so many people getting caught up in these scams. I had a similar experience myself, and it's really unsettling.