Helianths.com Is A Scam – Fraudulent Online Store

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Scam type: Online Shopping

Helianths.com is a new online store that recently appeared on the internet. It is promoted on widely used social media sites such as Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

The website’s advertisements are likely to feature low prices and foolish discounts. This might have encouraged you to make a purchase from this site.

Purchasing from this online store may appear to be beneficial for you; however, investigate further to see if this website is legitimate. Is this a genuine online store? Is it safe to make purchases on Helianths.com? No, this online store is a scam that will take your hard-earned cash.

The majority of online store scammers attract potential customers by offering appealing discounts and sales in advertisements.

Most scammers make it appear that the offer is only available for a limited time, leading customers to panic and make impulsive purchases. This is just one of the techniques that scammers use to defraud customers like you.

The ease of building a website from scratch has resulted in an increase in fraudulent online stores. Scammers took advantage of the process’s simplicity, creating multiple legitimate-looking online stores.

Image of Helianths.com
Helianths.com Website

Take note that scammers typically close fake online stores like Helianths.com in less than a year. Given the ease of creating a website, scammers quickly set up a new one when an online store closes.

Given the prevalence of fraudulent online stores, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between legitimate startups and scams like Helianths.com. Nowadays, people frequently mistake trustworthy new online stores for scams.

Furthermore, scammers impersonate well-known and reputable companies such as Amazon, Target, and Best Buy. As a result, scammers are tricking an increasing number of users, causing them to lose money.

As a result, being cautious when purchasing products online is essential; research the online store you intend to buy from; and look for reviews from real people, not bots.

When purchasing a product, it is preferable to use the main website of a well-known brand over other websites. Additionally, purchasing in person is also preferable.

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