• Welcome to the ScamTips Forum! We are thrilled to have you join us in the fight against online scams and fraud. This forum allows you to exchange tips, ask concerns, and interact with others who are serious about being safe.

    Spend some time exploring the various sections and subjects. Join any conversation that interests you. Remember, we're all here to help each other and stay informed.

    If you need assistance or have any queries, our moderators and members are available to help. Let us all work together to stay one step ahead of cyber threats and internet fraudsters.

Guidelines Community Guidelines

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Jun 2, 2024
1. Be respectful
When posting or commenting, always use appropriate and respectful language. Flaming, name-calling, bullying, and harassment will not be accepted. Never forget that our forum helps people in need and that there is a real person behind every screen.

2. No Personal Information
It is strictly prohibited to share personal information. Posts containing personal information will be removed immediately. Censor phone numbers, addresses, photos, and full names in your posts and comments. Only public figures are exempt from this rule.

3. Avoid Private Message Requests
Please do not request contact through a private message. We want to keep the public safe from unscrupulous recovery scammers and false guidance.

4. Report recovery scammers
Report anyone who suggests contact through DM or promotes professional hackers for the purpose of recovering funds. Never seek advice in private because we cannot protect you there.

5. No Scambaiting
This forum is about identifying scams, not scambaiting. Engaging with scammers or encouraging others to waste their time is not permitted. Scambaiting is a dangerous activity that should only be carried out by professionals.

6. No Spam
Keep discussions focused on and relevant to scams. Nonsensical content, memes, advertisements, and solicitations are prohibited. Serious posts should not include sarcasm or jokes.

7. No Unrelated or Low-Effort Posts
Ensure that your posts are of good quality and on topic. Screenshots without transcripts, posts that lack context, memes, and jokes will be removed.

8. No Inappropriate Content
Please do not share any offensive, explicit, or harmful content. This includes posts containing hate speech, violence, graphic material, or any form of harassment. Let us maintain a respectful and safe environment for all members.

9. No Self-Promotion
Don't promote your business, YouTube channel, social media accounts, or other projects. This includes sharing referral links. Our forum is not intended for self-promotion.

10. No Promoting Illegal Activities
Don't advertise risky or unlawful activities such as hacking, scams, illegal transactions, recovery services, etc. Such content will be immediately removed.

11. No Scammers
This forum is not the place to promote scams. Any attempt to deceive, defraud, or mislead members will not be tolerated.

12. No Begging or Crowdfunding Links
Donations, money requests, and wish list purchases are not permitted. This includes GoFundMe campaigns, Bitcoin wallet addresses, and Venmo/CashApp requests.

13. Prioritize Safety
Make an effort to keep our forum a safe space. Instead of posting clickable links to fraudulent websites, use titles that are just plain text addresses. Moderators may block posts that could harm the community or the poster. For the safety of younger users, posts from them are strictly moderated.

Please follow these guidelines to keep our community respectful and safe. Once again, thank you for joining our forum!
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