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My Story I got scammed by a beautiful woman


New member
Jun 21, 2024
About one month ago I got involved in crypto trading with a good-looking woman through Whatsapp. It started out with a small deposit, then she made me open a bank account in Malta and Revolut, and said it would be used for deposits. Then the money started growing way to fast so I poured more money into it. Of course I was suspicious of it, thinking that it was most likely a big scam going on. But i just couldn't stop. A few weeks later I tried to withdraw the money, as they had grown almost four times, and then the problem started. According to these people they could not transfer the money to an empty bank account, so i needed to put around 10,000 Euro onto the account before they could transfer the money I "gained".


New member
Jun 22, 2024
I'm sorry to hear about the experiences of you both. It sounds like you've fallen victim to a common investment scam. I suggest you report the incident to your bank and law enforcement, and get legal advice to understand your options and protect your accounts.
