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Online Scam It this a scam?


New member
Jun 22, 2024
I was on the Facebook market place looking for a gas grill and then suddenly an ad popped up for what looked like Wayfair. I clicked on it and they have all these grills for 99.99$. When I go to wayfair these grills are about 200 or more dollars each. The website is wayfyhome.shop, it has the Wayfair logo and everything.


New member
Jun 22, 2024
That's definitely a scam, that's a really common scam on Facebook. Scammers set up fake domains with junky names and use Shopify to create counterfeit websites, pretending to be legit companies. They often copy logos and branding from real companies like Wayfair to make their sites look convincing. If you order something, you’ll probably get a piece of cheap junk, and returning it would be a hassle because you'll have to ship it back to China, which can cost you even more. Check their "About us" page, it’s usually full of bad grammar, weird capitalization, and generic phrases, which are big red flags that it’s a scam.