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My Story www.lvain.com scam site


New member
Jul 11, 2024
A Chinese girl reached me on Telegram and told me that her uncle was the CEO of Wall Street. She was working as a fashion designer in Hong Kong. She said that she earns most of her income from crypto. She talked to me for 4 months and gained my trust during this time. Then he asked me to invest in www.lvain.com. That's what I did. Now they wanted me to pay a high amount to get the money I had accumulated inside. When I researched, I found out that this was a scam. I tell people this so they don't fall into the same situation I did. Not only that, but I also opened a Reddit thread and explained this situation, many people messaged me and suggested an Instagram account called 2FA_tool to save my money. This person said he would save my account $550. But as far as I understood from the conversations I had afterwards, Hu person also turned out to be a fraud.
First of all, do not trust anyone who says you will get rich with crypto money. Do your research thoroughly and then invest. If you are defrauded in some way, do not believe those who say they will get your money back. Anyone who asks you for money to give you your money is a fraudster. Never give money to anyone