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Be aware of this scams!


New member
Dec 27, 2024
#1 Scam type: PayPal donation scam where someone sends PayPal donation link to buy an apple with delivery, but after payment the apple never delivers and you dispute transaction but the case closes on the favor of the seller!
How to avoid: Use donation links only to donate voluntary, if someone require to buy apple using donation link it is an a scam!
#2 Scam type: crypto scam where you buy item with crypto but never delivers
How to avoid: Don`t use crypto for regular purchases
#3 Scam type: scam with account where offers to purchase verified PayPal accounts, bank account and .edu email but use purchase the an a stolen account and blocked/deleted/recovered by the owner
How to avoid: don`t buy .edu email accounts or verified PayPal/bank accounts as because they are stolen like with phishing!