• Welcome to the ScamTips Forum! We are thrilled to have you join us in the fight against online scams and fraud. This forum allows you to exchange tips, ask concerns, and interact with others who are serious about being safe.

    Spend some time exploring the various sections and subjects. Join any conversation that interests you. Remember, we're all here to help each other and stay informed.

    If you need assistance or have any queries, our moderators and members are available to help. Let us all work together to stay one step ahead of cyber threats and internet fraudsters.

Introduction Introductions


Jun 2, 2024
Welcome to the forum! Feel free to introduce yourselves to the community. To start, I'm the admin of this group, I will be watching over this forum, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :)

PS: For those who are not comfortable with introducing themselves, we do not make it a prerequisite to do so, but it will help everyone get to know each other better, so if you have the spare time to introduce yourself, it would be a great.
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New member
Jun 21, 2024
Hi, I’m DustyMcgi, I want to share my experiences with a crypto scam I encountered recently, hoping to help others avoid it.


New member
Jun 22, 2024
I'm Jayron38. I stumbled upon this forum while looking into an online store. I wanted to know how to identify a scam, how people fall for them, and what happens after.